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the Army Physical Fitness Test APFT and all about the new Army Physical Training Manual FM 7-22 Download and print APFT instructions at PRT FM 7-22, How many scorers are needed for the Army Physical Fitness Test? One per 8 soldiers Briefing area for the reading of event instructions?Instructions for the APFT Push-Up Event. From: FM 7-22 October 2012 THE TEST WILL CONTINUE, AND ANY INCORRECTLY PERFORMED PUSH-UPS WILL NOT BE COUNTED. "YOU ARE ABOUT TO TAKE THE ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST, A TEST THAT WILL MEASURE YOUR. MUSCULAR ENDURANCE AND CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS. Terms that have joint or Army definitions are identified in both the Glossary and the text. This publication prescribes DA Form 705 (Army Physical Fitness Test Start studying FM 7-22. Learn vocabulary, terms Provides instructions, resources, & reasons why PRT is mandatory Army Physical Fitness Test. FM 7-22 THE TEST WILL CONTINUE, AND ANY INCORRECTLY PERFORMED SIT-UPS WILL NOT BE COUNTED. AS LONG AS YOU MAKE A CONTINUOUS PHYSICAL EFFORT TO SIT UP, THE EVENT
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